Kfar Yasif Ancient Jewish Cemetery

Kafr Yasif, Northern District, Israel


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An ancient cemetery that was used for Jewish burials. Beginning in the 16th century, the Jews of Acre also began to bury their dead in the cemetery in Kfar Yasif. The cemetery was used according to one version, until the middle of the 19th century, according to a second version, until the First World War, and according to a third version, until 1929. According to a report in the "Moriya" newspaper from April 16 1912, the area of the cemetery, which was narrow, was expanded to include Mati Kfar Yasif and Acre, with the donation of Benjamin de Rothschild. The ancient Jewish cemetery is now fenced and the Ministry of Religion guards the place (the place looks extremely neglected and you can see that no one has visited it for a long time). Among the graves is a grave Rabbi Moshe Melchi, under the olives, a note to Avraham Finzi, British consul (an interesting story in the Habezalet newspaper) Another important person who was buried in Kfar Yasif - he is the Ramchal (from amudanan.co.il).
Kfar Yasif Ancient Jewish Cemetery, Utworzone przez Hudson4866, Kafr Yasif, Northern District, Israel